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Thailand Graduate Programme

Your one stop for everything Thailand!

Please note this page may be updated regularly with any policy, entry or covid testing changes - we will inform you of any updates via WeChat/Email

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General Info

This section will run through the things you will be completing over coming months - please read all of the information very carefully and any concerns or questions please let us know. Please also get into the habit of sending any questions in the group chat, that way if others have the same question, we can answer it for everyone. All PDF's are attached under the bullet points.

  • April fly out - if you are part of the April fly out group, the process for you will start early January

  • October fly out - if you are part of the October fly out group, the process for you will start mid-June

  • 120 Hour TEFL Course - the TEFL course will be sent you in either January or June depending on your fly out - you can also request the TEFL course earlier if you needed to.

  • WhatsApp Group - Everyone will be put into a group chat a few months before heading out, this is a great way to get to know you fellow applicants and help each other out during the pre-departure process

Placement preference form - Please read the introduction to the placement process via this link and fill in your answers - here General

Document Authentication

The document authentication for Thailand is fairly easy to do and we have put together some information below.

1 document to be authenticated - Bachelors Degree

Don't have your certificate yet? Read the next section on what to do.

UK Applicants

Please carefully follow the instructions for this process - you can either do the whole thing yourself which requires posting your degree off to different departments (Public Notary, FCDO & Thai Embassy) or there are some agencies in London who can do the whole process for you.

TFT Thailand Legalisation Guide - UK
Download PDF • 859KB

US Applicants A bonus for you all! You do not actually have to do this process in your home country and you can do the authentication process in Thailand when you get there - with the help of your local coordinator.

Canadian & Australian Applicants Additional information will be sent to you closer to the time, you may or may not have to do the process in your home country - it depends upon the jurisdiction/region you will be placed in Thailand.

Scan & Sign Documents

The Scan and Sign process is fairly straight forward and these documents are what your new school/employer will use to get your work permits and invitation papers in Thailand.

You should have these ready before/shortly after your interview with your school/employer.

Please take special care when doing it and read the PDF carefully.

Scan & Sign Docs - Thailand
Download PDF • 145KB

The world that awaits you